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Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home/ngwcolle/public_html/assets/js/lightgallery-all.min.js

/*! lightgallery - v1.6.11 - 2018-05-22
 * http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightGallery/
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Sachin N; Licensed GPLv3 */
! function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(a.jQuery) }(this, function(a) {! function() { "use strict";

        function b(b, d) { if (this.el = b, this.$el = a(b), this.s = a.extend({}, c, d), this.s.dynamic && "undefined" !== this.s.dynamicEl && this.s.dynamicEl.constructor === Array && !this.s.dynamicEl.length) throw "When using dynamic mode, you must also define dynamicEl as an Array."; return this.modules = {}, this.lGalleryOn = !1, this.lgBusy = !1, this.hideBartimeout = !1, this.isTouch = "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement, this.s.slideEndAnimatoin && (this.s.hideControlOnEnd = !1), this.s.dynamic ? this.$items = this.s.dynamicEl : "this" === this.s.selector ? this.$items = this.$el : "" !== this.s.selector ? this.s.selectWithin ? this.$items = a(this.s.selectWithin).find(this.s.selector) : this.$items = this.$el.find(a(this.s.selector)) : this.$items = this.$el.children(), this.$slide = "", this.$outer = "", this.init(), this } var c = { mode: "lg-slide", cssEasing: "ease", easing: "linear", speed: 600, height: "100%", width: "100%", addClass: "", startClass: "lg-start-zoom", backdropDuration: 150, hideBarsDelay: 6e3, useLeft: !1, closable: !0, loop: !0, escKey: !0, keyPress: !0, controls: !0, slideEndAnimatoin: !0, hideControlOnEnd: !1, mousewheel: !0, getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: !0, appendSubHtmlTo: ".lg-sub-html", subHtmlSelectorRelative: !1, preload: 1, showAfterLoad: !0, selector: "", selectWithin: "", nextHtml: "", prevHtml: "", index: !1, iframeMaxWidth: "100%", download: !0, counter: !0, appendCounterTo: ".lg-toolbar", swipeThreshold: 50, enableSwipe: !0, enableDrag: !0, dynamic: !1, dynamicEl: [], galleryId: 1 };
        b.prototype.init = function() { var b = this;
            b.s.preload > b.$items.length && (b.s.preload = b.$items.length); var c = window.location.hash;
            c.indexOf("lg=" + this.s.galleryId) > 0 && (b.index = parseInt(c.split("&slide=")[1], 10), a("body").addClass("lg-from-hash"), a("body").hasClass("lg-on") || (setTimeout(function() { b.build(b.index) }), a("body").addClass("lg-on"))), b.s.dynamic ? (b.$el.trigger("onBeforeOpen.lg"), b.index = b.s.index || 0, a("body").hasClass("lg-on") || setTimeout(function() { b.build(b.index), a("body").addClass("lg-on") })) : b.$items.on("click.lgcustom", function(c) { try { c.preventDefault(), c.preventDefault() } catch (a) { c.returnValue = !1 }
                b.$el.trigger("onBeforeOpen.lg"), b.index = b.s.index || b.$items.index(this), a("body").hasClass("lg-on") || (b.build(b.index), a("body").addClass("lg-on")) }) }, b.prototype.build = function(b) { var c = this;
            c.structure(), a.each(a.fn.lightGallery.modules, function(b) { c.modules[b] = new a.fn.lightGallery.modules[b](c.el) }), c.slide(b, !1, !1, !1), c.s.keyPress && c.keyPress(), c.$items.length > 1 ? (c.arrow(), setTimeout(function() { c.enableDrag(), c.enableSwipe() }, 50), c.s.mousewheel && c.mousewheel()) : c.$slide.on("click.lg", function() { c.$el.trigger("onSlideClick.lg") }), c.counter(), c.closeGallery(), c.$el.trigger("onAfterOpen.lg"), c.$outer.on("mousemove.lg click.lg touchstart.lg", function() { c.$outer.removeClass("lg-hide-items"), clearTimeout(c.hideBartimeout), c.hideBartimeout = setTimeout(function() { c.$outer.addClass("lg-hide-items") }, c.s.hideBarsDelay) }), c.$outer.trigger("mousemove.lg") }, b.prototype.structure = function() { var b, c = "",
                d = "",
                e = 0,
                f = "",
                g = this; for (a("body").append('<div class="lg-backdrop"></div>'), a(".lg-backdrop").css("transition-duration", this.s.backdropDuration + "ms"), e = 0; e < this.$items.length; e++) c += '<div class="lg-item"></div>'; if (this.s.controls && this.$items.length > 1 && (d = '<div class="lg-actions"><button class="lg-prev lg-icon">' + this.s.prevHtml + '</button><button class="lg-next lg-icon">' + this.s.nextHtml + "</button></div>"), ".lg-sub-html" === this.s.appendSubHtmlTo && (f = '<div class="lg-sub-html"></div>'), b = '<div class="lg-outer ' + this.s.addClass + " " + this.s.startClass + '"><div class="lg" style="width:' + this.s.width + "; height:" + this.s.height + '"><div class="lg-inner">' + c + '</div><div class="lg-toolbar lg-group"><span class="lg-close lg-icon"></span></div>' + d + f + "</div></div>", a("body").append(b), this.$outer = a(".lg-outer"), this.$slide = this.$outer.find(".lg-item"), this.s.useLeft ? (this.$outer.addClass("lg-use-left"), this.s.mode = "lg-slide") : this.$outer.addClass("lg-use-css3"), g.setTop(), a(window).on("resize.lg orientationchange.lg", function() { setTimeout(function() { g.setTop() }, 100) }), this.$slide.eq(this.index).addClass("lg-current"), this.doCss() ? this.$outer.addClass("lg-css3") : (this.$outer.addClass("lg-css"), this.s.speed = 0), this.$outer.addClass(this.s.mode), this.s.enableDrag && this.$items.length > 1 && this.$outer.addClass("lg-grab"), this.s.showAfterLoad && this.$outer.addClass("lg-show-after-load"), this.doCss()) { var h = this.$outer.find(".lg-inner");
                h.css("transition-timing-function", this.s.cssEasing), h.css("transition-duration", this.s.speed + "ms") }
            setTimeout(function() { a(".lg-backdrop").addClass("in") }), setTimeout(function() { g.$outer.addClass("lg-visible") }, this.s.backdropDuration), this.s.download && this.$outer.find(".lg-toolbar").append('<a id="lg-download" target="_blank" download class="lg-download lg-icon"></a>'), this.prevScrollTop = a(window).scrollTop() }, b.prototype.setTop = function() { if ("100%" !== this.s.height) { var b = a(window).height(),
                    c = (b - parseInt(this.s.height, 10)) / 2,
                    d = this.$outer.find(".lg");
                b >= parseInt(this.s.height, 10) ? d.css("top", c + "px") : d.css("top", "0px") } }, b.prototype.doCss = function() { return !! function() { var a = ["transition", "MozTransition", "WebkitTransition", "OTransition", "msTransition", "KhtmlTransition"],
                    b = document.documentElement,
                    c = 0; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
                    if (a[c] in b.style) return !0 }() }, b.prototype.isVideo = function(a, b) { var c; if (c = this.s.dynamic ? this.s.dynamicEl[b].html : this.$items.eq(b).attr("data-html"), !a) return c ? { html5: !0 } : (console.error("lightGallery :- data-src is not pvovided on slide item " + (b + 1) + ". Please make sure the selector property is properly configured. More info - http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightGallery/demos/html-markup.html"), !1); var d = a.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:\.be|be\.com|be-nocookie\.com)\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/)?([a-z0-9\-\_\%]+)/i),
                e = a.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo.com\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)/i),
                f = a.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?dai.ly\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)/i),
                g = a.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:vk\.com|vkontakte\.ru)\/(?:video_ext\.php\?)(.*)/i); return d ? { youtube: d } : e ? { vimeo: e } : f ? { dailymotion: f } : g ? { vk: g } : void 0 }, b.prototype.counter = function() { this.s.counter && a(this.s.appendCounterTo).append('<div id="lg-counter"><span id="lg-counter-current">' + (parseInt(this.index, 10) + 1) + '</span> / <span id="lg-counter-all">' + this.$items.length + "</span></div>") }, b.prototype.addHtml = function(b) { var c, d, e = null; if (this.s.dynamic ? this.s.dynamicEl[b].subHtmlUrl ? c = this.s.dynamicEl[b].subHtmlUrl : e = this.s.dynamicEl[b].subHtml : (d = this.$items.eq(b), d.attr("data-sub-html-url") ? c = d.attr("data-sub-html-url") : (e = d.attr("data-sub-html"), this.s.getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt && !e && (e = d.attr("title") || d.find("img").first().attr("alt")))), !c)
                if (void 0 !== e && null !== e) { var f = e.substring(0, 1); "." !== f && "#" !== f || (e = this.s.subHtmlSelectorRelative && !this.s.dynamic ? d.find(e).html() : a(e).html()) } else e = "";
                ".lg-sub-html" === this.s.appendSubHtmlTo ? c ? this.$outer.find(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo).load(c) : this.$outer.find(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo).html(e) : c ? this.$slide.eq(b).load(c) : this.$slide.eq(b).append(e), void 0 !== e && null !== e && ("" === e ? this.$outer.find(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo).addClass("lg-empty-html") : this.$outer.find(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo).removeClass("lg-empty-html")), this.$el.trigger("onAfterAppendSubHtml.lg", [b]) }, b.prototype.preload = function(a) { var b = 1,
                c = 1; for (b = 1; b <= this.s.preload && !(b >= this.$items.length - a); b++) this.loadContent(a + b, !1, 0); for (c = 1; c <= this.s.preload && !(a - c < 0); c++) this.loadContent(a - c, !1, 0) }, b.prototype.loadContent = function(b, c, d) { var e, f, g, h, i, j, k = this,
                l = !1,
                m = function(b) { for (var c = [], d = [], e = 0; e < b.length; e++) { var g = b[e].split(" "); "" === g[0] && g.splice(0, 1), d.push(g[0]), c.push(g[1]) } for (var h = a(window).width(), i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
                        if (parseInt(c[i], 10) > h) { f = d[i]; break } }; if (k.s.dynamic) { if (k.s.dynamicEl[b].poster && (l = !0, g = k.s.dynamicEl[b].poster), j = k.s.dynamicEl[b].html, f = k.s.dynamicEl[b].src, k.s.dynamicEl[b].responsive) { m(k.s.dynamicEl[b].responsive.split(",")) }
                h = k.s.dynamicEl[b].srcset, i = k.s.dynamicEl[b].sizes } else { if (k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-poster") && (l = !0, g = k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-poster")), j = k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-html"), f = k.$items.eq(b).attr("href") || k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-src"), k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-responsive")) { m(k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-responsive").split(",")) }
                h = k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-srcset"), i = k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-sizes") } var n = !1;
            k.s.dynamic ? k.s.dynamicEl[b].iframe && (n = !0) : "true" === k.$items.eq(b).attr("data-iframe") && (n = !0); var o = k.isVideo(f, b); if (!k.$slide.eq(b).hasClass("lg-loaded")) { if (n) k.$slide.eq(b).prepend('<div class="lg-video-cont lg-has-iframe" style="max-width:' + k.s.iframeMaxWidth + '"><div class="lg-video"><iframe class="lg-object" frameborder="0" src="' + f + '"  allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></div>');
                else if (l) { var p = "";
                    p = o && o.youtube ? "lg-has-youtube" : o && o.vimeo ? "lg-has-vimeo" : "lg-has-html5", k.$slide.eq(b).prepend('<div class="lg-video-cont ' + p + ' "><div class="lg-video"><span class="lg-video-play"></span><img class="lg-object lg-has-poster" src="' + g + '" /></div></div>') } else o ? (k.$slide.eq(b).prepend('<div class="lg-video-cont "><div class="lg-video"></div></div>'), k.$el.trigger("hasVideo.lg", [b, f, j])) : k.$slide.eq(b).prepend('<div class="lg-img-wrap"><img class="lg-object lg-image" src="' + f + '" /></div>'); if (k.$el.trigger("onAferAppendSlide.lg", [b]), e = k.$slide.eq(b).find(".lg-object"), i && e.attr("sizes", i), h) { e.attr("srcset", h); try { picturefill({ elements: [e[0]] }) } catch (a) { console.warn("lightGallery :- If you want srcset to be supported for older browser please include picturefil version 2 javascript library in your document.") } } ".lg-sub-html" !== this.s.appendSubHtmlTo && k.addHtml(b), k.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-loaded") }
            k.$slide.eq(b).find(".lg-object").on("load.lg error.lg", function() { var c = 0;
                d && !a("body").hasClass("lg-from-hash") && (c = d), setTimeout(function() { k.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-complete"), k.$el.trigger("onSlideItemLoad.lg", [b, d || 0]) }, c) }), o && o.html5 && !l && k.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-complete"), !0 === c && (k.$slide.eq(b).hasClass("lg-complete") ? k.preload(b) : k.$slide.eq(b).find(".lg-object").on("load.lg error.lg", function() { k.preload(b) })) }, b.prototype.slide = function(b, c, d, e) { var f = this.$outer.find(".lg-current").index(),
                g = this; if (!g.lGalleryOn || f !== b) { var h = this.$slide.length,
                    i = g.lGalleryOn ? this.s.speed : 0; if (!g.lgBusy) { if (this.s.download) { var j;
                        j = g.s.dynamic ? !1 !== g.s.dynamicEl[b].downloadUrl && (g.s.dynamicEl[b].downloadUrl || g.s.dynamicEl[b].src) : "false" !== g.$items.eq(b).attr("data-download-url") && (g.$items.eq(b).attr("data-download-url") || g.$items.eq(b).attr("href") || g.$items.eq(b).attr("data-src")), j ? (a("#lg-download").attr("href", j), g.$outer.removeClass("lg-hide-download")) : g.$outer.addClass("lg-hide-download") } if (this.$el.trigger("onBeforeSlide.lg", [f, b, c, d]), g.lgBusy = !0, clearTimeout(g.hideBartimeout), ".lg-sub-html" === this.s.appendSubHtmlTo && setTimeout(function() { g.addHtml(b) }, i), this.arrowDisable(b), e || (b < f ? e = "prev" : b > f && (e = "next")), c) { this.$slide.removeClass("lg-prev-slide lg-current lg-next-slide"); var k, l;
                        h > 2 ? (k = b - 1, l = b + 1, 0 === b && f === h - 1 ? (l = 0, k = h - 1) : b === h - 1 && 0 === f && (l = 0, k = h - 1)) : (k = 0, l = 1), "prev" === e ? g.$slide.eq(l).addClass("lg-next-slide") : g.$slide.eq(k).addClass("lg-prev-slide"), g.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-current") } else g.$outer.addClass("lg-no-trans"), this.$slide.removeClass("lg-prev-slide lg-next-slide"), "prev" === e ? (this.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-prev-slide"), this.$slide.eq(f).addClass("lg-next-slide")) : (this.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-next-slide"), this.$slide.eq(f).addClass("lg-prev-slide")), setTimeout(function() { g.$slide.removeClass("lg-current"), g.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-current"), g.$outer.removeClass("lg-no-trans") }, 50);
                    g.lGalleryOn ? (setTimeout(function() { g.loadContent(b, !0, 0) }, this.s.speed + 50), setTimeout(function() { g.lgBusy = !1, g.$el.trigger("onAfterSlide.lg", [f, b, c, d]) }, this.s.speed)) : (g.loadContent(b, !0, g.s.backdropDuration), g.lgBusy = !1, g.$el.trigger("onAfterSlide.lg", [f, b, c, d])), g.lGalleryOn = !0, this.s.counter && a("#lg-counter-current").text(b + 1) }
                g.index = b } }, b.prototype.goToNextSlide = function(a) { var b = this,
                c = b.s.loop;
            a && b.$slide.length < 3 && (c = !1), b.lgBusy || (b.index + 1 < b.$slide.length ? (b.index++, b.$el.trigger("onBeforeNextSlide.lg", [b.index]), b.slide(b.index, a, !1, "next")) : c ? (b.index = 0, b.$el.trigger("onBeforeNextSlide.lg", [b.index]), b.slide(b.index, a, !1, "next")) : b.s.slideEndAnimatoin && !a && (b.$outer.addClass("lg-right-end"), setTimeout(function() { b.$outer.removeClass("lg-right-end") }, 400))) }, b.prototype.goToPrevSlide = function(a) { var b = this,
                c = b.s.loop;
            a && b.$slide.length < 3 && (c = !1), b.lgBusy || (b.index > 0 ? (b.index--, b.$el.trigger("onBeforePrevSlide.lg", [b.index, a]), b.slide(b.index, a, !1, "prev")) : c ? (b.index = b.$items.length - 1, b.$el.trigger("onBeforePrevSlide.lg", [b.index, a]), b.slide(b.index, a, !1, "prev")) : b.s.slideEndAnimatoin && !a && (b.$outer.addClass("lg-left-end"), setTimeout(function() { b.$outer.removeClass("lg-left-end") }, 400))) }, b.prototype.keyPress = function() { var b = this;
            this.$items.length > 1 && a(window).on("keyup.lg", function(a) { b.$items.length > 1 && (37 === a.keyCode && (a.preventDefault(), b.goToPrevSlide()), 39 === a.keyCode && (a.preventDefault(), b.goToNextSlide())) }), a(window).on("keydown.lg", function(a) {!0 === b.s.escKey && 27 === a.keyCode && (a.preventDefault(), b.$outer.hasClass("lg-thumb-open") ? b.$outer.removeClass("lg-thumb-open") : b.destroy()) }) }, b.prototype.arrow = function() { var a = this;
            this.$outer.find(".lg-prev").on("click.lg", function() { a.goToPrevSlide() }), this.$outer.find(".lg-next").on("click.lg", function() { a.goToNextSlide() }) }, b.prototype.arrowDisable = function(a) {!this.s.loop && this.s.hideControlOnEnd && (a + 1 < this.$slide.length ? this.$outer.find(".lg-next").removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled") : this.$outer.find(".lg-next").attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass("disabled"), a > 0 ? this.$outer.find(".lg-prev").removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled") : this.$outer.find(".lg-prev").attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass("disabled")) }, b.prototype.setTranslate = function(a, b, c) { this.s.useLeft ? a.css("left", b) : a.css({ transform: "translate3d(" + b + "px, " + c + "px, 0px)" }) }, b.prototype.touchMove = function(b, c) { var d = c - b;
            Math.abs(d) > 15 && (this.$outer.addClass("lg-dragging"), this.setTranslate(this.$slide.eq(this.index), d, 0), this.setTranslate(a(".lg-prev-slide"), -this.$slide.eq(this.index).width() + d, 0), this.setTranslate(a(".lg-next-slide"), this.$slide.eq(this.index).width() + d, 0)) }, b.prototype.touchEnd = function(a) { var b = this; "lg-slide" !== b.s.mode && b.$outer.addClass("lg-slide"), this.$slide.not(".lg-current, .lg-prev-slide, .lg-next-slide").css("opacity", "0"), setTimeout(function() { b.$outer.removeClass("lg-dragging"), a < 0 && Math.abs(a) > b.s.swipeThreshold ? b.goToNextSlide(!0) : a > 0 && Math.abs(a) > b.s.swipeThreshold ? b.goToPrevSlide(!0) : Math.abs(a) < 5 && b.$el.trigger("onSlideClick.lg"), b.$slide.removeAttr("style") }), setTimeout(function() { b.$outer.hasClass("lg-dragging") || "lg-slide" === b.s.mode || b.$outer.removeClass("lg-slide") }, b.s.speed + 100) }, b.prototype.enableSwipe = function() { var a = this,
                b = 0,
                c = 0,
                d = !1;
            a.s.enableSwipe && a.doCss() && (a.$slide.on("touchstart.lg", function(c) { a.$outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || a.lgBusy || (c.preventDefault(), a.manageSwipeClass(), b = c.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX) }), a.$slide.on("touchmove.lg", function(e) { a.$outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || (e.preventDefault(), c = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX, a.touchMove(b, c), d = !0) }), a.$slide.on("touchend.lg", function() { a.$outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || (d ? (d = !1, a.touchEnd(c - b)) : a.$el.trigger("onSlideClick.lg")) })) }, b.prototype.enableDrag = function() { var b = this,
                c = 0,
                d = 0,
                e = !1,
                f = !1;
            b.s.enableDrag && b.doCss() && (b.$slide.on("mousedown.lg", function(d) { b.$outer.hasClass("lg-zoomed") || b.lgBusy || a(d.target).text().trim() || (d.preventDefault(), b.manageSwipeClass(), c = d.pageX, e = !0, b.$outer.scrollLeft += 1, b.$outer.scrollLeft -= 1, b.$outer.removeClass("lg-grab").addClass("lg-grabbing"), b.$el.trigger("onDragstart.lg")) }), a(window).on("mousemove.lg", function(a) { e && (f = !0, d = a.pageX, b.touchMove(c, d), b.$el.trigger("onDragmove.lg")) }), a(window).on("mouseup.lg", function(g) { f ? (f = !1, b.touchEnd(d - c), b.$el.trigger("onDragend.lg")) : (a(g.target).hasClass("lg-object") || a(g.target).hasClass("lg-video-play")) && b.$el.trigger("onSlideClick.lg"), e && (e = !1, b.$outer.removeClass("lg-grabbing").addClass("lg-grab")) })) }, b.prototype.manageSwipeClass = function() { var a = this.index + 1,
                b = this.index - 1;
            this.s.loop && this.$slide.length > 2 && (0 === this.index ? b = this.$slide.length - 1 : this.index === this.$slide.length - 1 && (a = 0)), this.$slide.removeClass("lg-next-slide lg-prev-slide"), b > -1 && this.$slide.eq(b).addClass("lg-prev-slide"), this.$slide.eq(a).addClass("lg-next-slide") }, b.prototype.mousewheel = function() { var a = this;
            a.$outer.on("mousewheel.lg", function(b) { b.deltaY && (b.deltaY > 0 ? a.goToPrevSlide() : a.goToNextSlide(), b.preventDefault()) }) }, b.prototype.closeGallery = function() { var b = this,
                c = !1;
            this.$outer.find(".lg-close").on("click.lg", function() { b.destroy() }), b.s.closable && (b.$outer.on("mousedown.lg", function(b) { c = !!(a(b.target).is(".lg-outer") || a(b.target).is(".lg-item ") || a(b.target).is(".lg-img-wrap")) }), b.$outer.on("mousemove.lg", function() { c = !1 }), b.$outer.on("mouseup.lg", function(d) {
                (a(d.target).is(".lg-outer") || a(d.target).is(".lg-item ") || a(d.target).is(".lg-img-wrap") && c) && (b.$outer.hasClass("lg-dragging") || b.destroy()) })) }, b.prototype.destroy = function(b) { var c = this;
            b || (c.$el.trigger("onBeforeClose.lg"), a(window).scrollTop(c.prevScrollTop)), b && (c.s.dynamic || this.$items.off("click.lg click.lgcustom"), a.removeData(c.el, "lightGallery")), this.$el.off(".lg.tm"), a.each(a.fn.lightGallery.modules, function(a) { c.modules[a] && c.modules[a].destroy() }), this.lGalleryOn = !1, clearTimeout(c.hideBartimeout), this.hideBartimeout = !1, a(window).off(".lg"), a("body").removeClass("lg-on lg-from-hash"), c.$outer && c.$outer.removeClass("lg-visible"), a(".lg-backdrop").removeClass("in"), setTimeout(function() { c.$outer && c.$outer.remove(), a(".lg-backdrop").remove(), b || c.$el.trigger("onCloseAfter.lg") }, c.s.backdropDuration + 50) }, a.fn.lightGallery = function(c) { return this.each(function() { if (a.data(this, "lightGallery")) try { a(this).data("lightGallery").init() } catch (a) { console.error("lightGallery has not initiated properly") } else a.data(this, "lightGallery", new b(this, c)) }) }, a.fn.lightGallery.modules = {} }() }),
function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = { autoplay: !1, pause: 5e3, progressBar: !0, fourceAutoplay: !1, autoplayControls: !0, appendAutoplayControlsTo: ".lg-toolbar" },
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            a(this.core.s.appendAutoplayControlsTo).append('<span class="lg-autoplay-button lg-icon"></span>'), b.core.$outer.find(".lg-autoplay-button").on("click.lg", function() { a(b.core.$outer).hasClass("lg-show-autoplay") ? (b.cancelAuto(), b.core.s.fourceAutoplay = !1) : b.interval || (b.startlAuto(), b.core.s.fourceAutoplay = b.fourceAutoplayTemp) }) }, c.prototype.startlAuto = function() { var a = this;
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function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = { fullScreen: !0 },
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                a = '<span class="lg-fullscreen lg-icon"></span>', this.core.$outer.find(".lg-toolbar").append(a), this.fullScreen() } }, c.prototype.requestFullscreen = function() { var a = document.documentElement;
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            a(document).on("fullscreenchange.lg webkitfullscreenchange.lg mozfullscreenchange.lg MSFullscreenChange.lg", function() { b.core.$outer.toggleClass("lg-fullscreen-on") }), this.core.$outer.find(".lg-fullscreen").on("click.lg", function() { document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ? b.exitFullscreen() : b.requestFullscreen() }) }, c.prototype.destroy = function() { this.exitFullscreen(), a(document).off("fullscreenchange.lg webkitfullscreenchange.lg mozfullscreenchange.lg MSFullscreenChange.lg") }, a.fn.lightGallery.modules.fullscreen = c }() }),
function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = { pager: !1 },
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                e.core.index = b.index(), e.core.slide(e.core.index, !1, !0, !1) }), c.on("mouseover.lg", function() { clearTimeout(d), c.addClass("lg-pager-hover") }), c.on("mouseout.lg", function() { d = setTimeout(function() { c.removeClass("lg-pager-hover") }) }), e.core.$el.on("onBeforeSlide.lg.tm", function(a, c, d) { b.removeClass("lg-pager-active"), b.eq(d).addClass("lg-pager-active") }) }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {}, a.fn.lightGallery.modules.pager = c }() }),
function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {
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                for (var h = 0; h < d.core.s.dynamicEl.length; h++) b(d.core.s.dynamicEl[h].src, d.core.s.dynamicEl[h].thumb, h);
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                    c = b.attr("data-vimeo-id");
                c && a.getJSON("//www.vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + c + ".json?callback=?", { format: "json" }, function(a) { b.find("img").attr("src", a[0][d.core.s.vimeoThumbSize]) }) }), c.eq(d.core.index).addClass("active"), d.core.$el.on("onBeforeSlide.lg.tm", function() { c.removeClass("active"), c.eq(d.core.index).addClass("active") }), c.on("click.lg touchend.lg", function() { var b = a(this);
                setTimeout(function() {
                    (d.thumbClickable && !d.core.lgBusy || !d.core.doCss()) && (d.core.index = b.index(), d.core.slide(d.core.index, !1, !0, !1)) }, 50) }), d.core.$el.on("onBeforeSlide.lg.tm", function() { d.animateThumb(d.core.index) }), a(window).on("resize.lg.thumb orientationchange.lg.thumb", function() { setTimeout(function() { d.animateThumb(d.core.index), d.thumbOuterWidth = d.$thumbOuter.width() }, 200) }) }, c.prototype.setTranslate = function(a) { this.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb").css({ transform: "translate3d(-" + a + "px, 0px, 0px)" }) }, c.prototype.animateThumb = function(a) { var b = this.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb"); if (this.core.s.animateThumb) { var c; switch (this.core.s.currentPagerPosition) {
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                c = 0,
                d = 0,
                e = !1,
                f = !1,
                g = 0;
            b.$thumbOuter.addClass("lg-grab"), b.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb").on("mousedown.lg.thumb", function(a) { b.thumbTotalWidth > b.thumbOuterWidth && (a.preventDefault(), c = a.pageX, e = !0, b.core.$outer.scrollLeft += 1, b.core.$outer.scrollLeft -= 1, b.thumbClickable = !1, b.$thumbOuter.removeClass("lg-grab").addClass("lg-grabbing")) }), a(window).on("mousemove.lg.thumb", function(a) { e && (g = b.left, f = !0, d = a.pageX, b.$thumbOuter.addClass("lg-dragging"), g -= d - c, g > b.thumbTotalWidth - b.thumbOuterWidth && (g = b.thumbTotalWidth - b.thumbOuterWidth), g < 0 && (g = 0), b.setTranslate(g)) }), a(window).on("mouseup.lg.thumb", function() { f ? (f = !1, b.$thumbOuter.removeClass("lg-dragging"), b.left = g, Math.abs(d - c) < b.core.s.swipeThreshold && (b.thumbClickable = !0)) : b.thumbClickable = !0, e && (e = !1, b.$thumbOuter.removeClass("lg-grabbing").addClass("lg-grab")) }) }, c.prototype.enableThumbSwipe = function() { var a = this,
                b = 0,
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                e = 0;
            a.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb").on("touchstart.lg", function(c) { a.thumbTotalWidth > a.thumbOuterWidth && (c.preventDefault(), b = c.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX, a.thumbClickable = !1) }), a.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb").on("touchmove.lg", function(f) { a.thumbTotalWidth > a.thumbOuterWidth && (f.preventDefault(), c = f.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX, d = !0, a.$thumbOuter.addClass("lg-dragging"), e = a.left, e -= c - b, e > a.thumbTotalWidth - a.thumbOuterWidth && (e = a.thumbTotalWidth - a.thumbOuterWidth), e < 0 && (e = 0), a.setTranslate(e)) }), a.core.$outer.find(".lg-thumb").on("touchend.lg", function() { a.thumbTotalWidth > a.thumbOuterWidth && d ? (d = !1, a.$thumbOuter.removeClass("lg-dragging"), Math.abs(c - b) < a.core.s.swipeThreshold && (a.thumbClickable = !0), a.left = e) : a.thumbClickable = !0 }) }, c.prototype.toogle = function() { var a = this;
            a.core.s.toogleThumb && (a.core.$outer.addClass("lg-can-toggle"), a.$thumbOuter.append('<span class="lg-toogle-thumb lg-icon"></span>'), a.core.$outer.find(".lg-toogle-thumb").on("click.lg", function() { a.core.$outer.toggleClass("lg-thumb-open") })) }, c.prototype.thumbkeyPress = function() { var b = this;
            a(window).on("keydown.lg.thumb", function(a) { 38 === a.keyCode ? (a.preventDefault(), b.core.$outer.addClass("lg-thumb-open")) : 40 === a.keyCode && (a.preventDefault(), b.core.$outer.removeClass("lg-thumb-open")) }) }, c.prototype.destroy = function() {
            this.core.s.thumbnail && this.core.$items.length > 1 && (a(window).off("resize.lg.thumb orientationchange.lg.thumb keydown.lg.thumb"),
                this.$thumbOuter.remove(), this.core.$outer.removeClass("lg-has-thumb"))
        }, a.fn.lightGallery.modules.Thumbnail = c
function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(a.jQuery) }(this, function(a) {! function() { "use strict";

        function b(a, b, c, d) { var e = this; if (e.core.$slide.eq(b).find(".lg-video").append(e.loadVideo(c, "lg-object", !0, b, d)), d)
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                h = f.find(".lg-vimeo").get(0),
                i = f.find(".lg-dailymotion").get(0),
                j = f.find(".lg-vk").get(0),
                k = f.find(".lg-html5").get(0); if (g) g.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', "*");
            else if (h) try { $f(h).api("pause") } catch (a) { console.error("Make sure you have included froogaloop2 js") } else if (i) i.contentWindow.postMessage("pause", "*");
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                if (e.core.s.videojs) try { videojs(k).pause() } catch (a) { console.error("Make sure you have included videojs") } else k.pause();
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            l = e.core.s.dynamic ? e.core.s.dynamicEl[d].src : e.core.$items.eq(d).attr("href") || e.core.$items.eq(d).attr("data-src"); var m = e.core.isVideo(l, d) || {};
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            e.core.$el.on("hasVideo.lg.tm", b.bind(this)), e.core.$el.on("onAferAppendSlide.lg.tm", c.bind(this)), e.core.doCss() && e.core.$items.length > 1 && (e.core.s.enableSwipe || e.core.s.enableDrag) ? e.core.$el.on("onSlideClick.lg.tm", function() { var a = e.core.$slide.eq(e.core.index);
                e.loadVideoOnclick(a) }) : e.core.$slide.on("click.lg", function() { e.loadVideoOnclick(a(this)) }), e.core.$el.on("onBeforeSlide.lg.tm", d.bind(this)), e.core.$el.on("onAfterSlide.lg.tm", function(a, b) { e.core.$slide.eq(b).removeClass("lg-video-playing") }), e.core.s.autoplayFirstVideo && e.core.$el.on("onAferAppendSlide.lg.tm", function(a, b) { if (!e.core.lGalleryOn) { var c = e.core.$slide.eq(b);
                    setTimeout(function() { e.loadVideoOnclick(c) }, 100) } }) }, f.prototype.loadVideo = function(b, c, d, e, f) { var g = "",
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            else if (j.vimeo) i = "?autoplay=" + h + "&api=1", this.core.s.vimeoPlayerParams && (i = i + "&" + a.param(this.core.s.vimeoPlayerParams)), g = '<iframe class="lg-video-object lg-vimeo ' + c + '" width="560" height="315"  src="//player.vimeo.com/video/' + j.vimeo[1] + i + '" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>';
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            else if (j.html5) { var k = f.substring(0, 1); "." !== k && "#" !== k || (f = a(f).html()), g = f } else j.vk && (i = "&autoplay=" + h, this.core.s.vkPlayerParams && (i = i + "&" + a.param(this.core.s.vkPlayerParams)), g = '<iframe class="lg-video-object lg-vk ' + c + '" width="560" height="315" src="//vk.com/video_ext.php?' + j.vk[1] + i + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); return g }, f.prototype.loadVideoOnclick = function(a) { var b = this; if (a.find(".lg-object").hasClass("lg-has-poster") && a.find(".lg-object").is(":visible"))
                if (a.hasClass("lg-has-video")) { var c = a.find(".lg-youtube").get(0),
                        d = a.find(".lg-vimeo").get(0),
                        e = a.find(".lg-dailymotion").get(0),
                        f = a.find(".lg-html5").get(0); if (c) c.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', "*");
                    else if (d) try { $f(d).api("play") } catch (a) { console.error("Make sure you have included froogaloop2 js") } else if (e) e.contentWindow.postMessage("play", "*");
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function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = function() { var a = !1,
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            (Math.abs(b.x - a.x) > 15 || Math.abs(b.y - a.y) > 15) && (d && (i <= -k ? i = -k : i >= -j && (i = -j)), c && (h <= -m ? h = -m : h >= -l && (h = -l)), d ? f.attr("data-y", Math.abs(i)) : i = -Math.abs(f.attr("data-y")), c ? f.attr("data-x", Math.abs(h)) : h = -Math.abs(f.attr("data-x")), e.core.s.useLeftForZoom ? f.css({ left: h + "px", top: i + "px" }) : f.css("transform", "translate3d(" + h + "px, " + i + "px, 0)")) }, d.prototype.destroy = function() { var b = this;
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function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = { hash: !0 },
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function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(0, function(a) {! function() { "use strict"; var b = { share: !0, facebook: !0, facebookDropdownText: "Facebook", twitter: !0, twitterDropdownText: "Twitter", googlePlus: !0, googlePlusDropdownText: "GooglePlus", pinterest: !0, pinterestDropdownText: "Pinterest" },
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0