
Mini Shell

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Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyc

oMTc@sPdZdZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm	Z	m
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mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZddl m!Z!ddl"m#Z#d	eeefZ$d
Z%ej&d�Z'de(fd
DBusException(tHANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED(tis_py2sWtype='signal',sender='%s',interface='%s',member='NameOwnerChanged',path='%s',arg0='%%s's)org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwnersdbus.bustNameOwnerWatchcBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(t_matcht
s�t���fd�}��fd�}|j|dtttd��|_i}trht|d<n|jtttdd�f�||�|_	dS(Ncs�|�dS(N((townedt	old_ownert	new_owner(tcallback(s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyt	signal_cb@scsO|j�tkr�d�n,tj�tjd�d|j|df�dS(NtsGetNameOwner(%s) failed:texc_info(t
get_dbus_namet_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNERtloggingtbasicConfigt_loggertdebugt	__class__tNone(te(tbus_nameR#(s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyterror_cbCs

tNameOwnerChangedtarg0tutf8_stringstGetNameOwnerts(
		cCsT|jdk	r|jj�n|jdk	r>|jj�nd|_d|_dS(N(RR.tremoveRtcancel(R:((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyR?\s	(s_matchs
__module__t	__slots__R=R?(((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyR:s	cBs�eZdZeZeZeZe	Z
eZedd�Zddddd�Zd�Zd�Zeed�Zd�Zdd�Zdd	�Zd
�Zd�Zd�Zd
�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z d�Z!RS(sxA connection to a D-Bus daemon that implements the
    ``org.freedesktop.DBus`` pseudo-service.

    :Since: 0.81.0
    cCs1|j|d|�}tj�|_i|_|S(Ntmainloop(t_new_for_bustweakreftWeakValueDictionaryt
_bus_namest_signal_sender_matches(tclstaddress_or_typeRCtbus((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyt__new__ys	cs|jdd�}|dk	re|dk	r9td��n|}ddlm}|dtdd�ntt|�j||||||��|dk	r�|t	kr�|d d	kr��fd
�}	n	�j
}	|j||	�}
|j�<n|j
named_services3bus_name and named_service cannot both be specifiedi����(twarnsrPassing the named_service parameter to add_signal_receiver by name is deprecated: please use positional parameterst
stackleveliit:cs|dkr�j�ndS(NR%(R>(R"(tmatch(s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyR#�s(tpopR.t	TypeErrortwarningsRNtDeprecationWarningtsuperRR7Rtset_sender_name_ownertwatch_name_ownerRHtadd_match_stringtstr(R:thandler_functiontsignal_nametdbus_interfaceR0tpathR<RMRNR#twatch((RQs./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyR7�s&	cCsE|jt|��|jj|d�}|dk	rA|j�ndS(N(t remove_match_string_non_blockingRZRHRRR.R?(R:RQR_((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyt_clean_up_signal_match�scCs�|dk	r�|d dkr�|tkr�y|j|�SWq�tk
cKs�|r|j�n|jdd�}|dk	rx|dk	rLtd��nddlm}|dtdd�|}n|r�tdd	j|j����n|j	|||d
sJReturn a local proxy for the given remote object.

        Method calls on the proxy are translated into method calls on the
        remote object.

            `bus_name` : str
                A bus name (either the unique name or a well-known name)
                of the application owning the object. The keyword argument
                named_service is a deprecated alias for this.
            `object_path` : str
                The object path of the desired object
            `introspect` : bool
                If true (default), attempt to introspect the remote
                object to find out supported methods and their signatures
            `follow_name_owner_changes` : bool
                If the object path is a well-known name and this parameter
                is false (default), resolve the well-known name to the unique
                name of its current owner and bind to that instead; if the
                ownership of the well-known name changes in future,
                keep communicating with the original owner.
                This is necessary if the D-Bus API used is stateful.

                If the object path is a well-known name and this parameter
                is true, whenever the well-known name changes ownership in
                future, bind to the new owner, if any.

                If the given object path is a unique name, this parameter
                has no effect.

        :Returns: a `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject`
        :Raises `DBusException`: if resolving the well-known name to a
            unique name fails
        RMs3bus_name and named_service cannot both be specifiedi����(RNsiPassing the named_service parameter to get_object by name is deprecated: please use positional parametersROis4get_object does not take these keyword arguments: %ss, t
get_object�s $
	cCs)t|�|jtttdd|f�S(s�Get the numeric uid of the process owning the given bus name.

            `bus_name` : str
                A bus name, either unique or well-known
        :Returns: a `dbus.UInt32`
        :Since: 0.80.0
ic	Cs2t|�t|jtttdd||f�fS(s?Start a service which will implement the given bus name on this Bus.

            `bus_name` : str
                The well-known bus name to be activated.
            `flags` : dbus.UInt32
                Flags to pass to StartServiceByName (currently none are

        :Returns: A tuple of 2 elements. The first is always True, the
            second is either START_REPLY_SUCCESS or

        :Raises `DBusException`: if the service could not be started.
        :Since: 0.80.0

cCs2t|dt�|jtttdd||f�S(s�Request a bus name.

            `name` : str
                The well-known name to be requested
            `flags` : dbus.UInt32
                A bitwise-OR of 0 or more of the flags
                and `NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE`
        :Raises `DBusException`: if the bus daemon cannot be contacted or
            returns an error.
        tallow_uniquetRequestNameRr(RtFalseRoRRR(R:tnameRs((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pytrequest_namescCs/t|dt�|jtttdd|f�S(ssRelease a bus name.

            `name` : str
                The well-known name to be released
        :Raises `DBusException`: if the bus daemon cannot be contacted or
            returns an error.
        RttReleaseNameR6(RRvRoRRR(R:Rw((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pytrelease_name1scCs8i}trt|d<n|jtttddd|�S(s�Return a list of all currently-owned names on the bus.

        :Returns: a dbus.Array of dbus.UTF8String
        :Since: 0.81.0
        R4t	ListNamesR%((RR8RoRRR(R:R<((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyt
cCs8i}trt|d<n|jtttddd|�S(s�Return a list of all names that can be activated on the bus.

        :Returns: a dbus.Array of dbus.UTF8String
        :Since: 0.81.0
cCsKi}trt|d<nt|dt�|jtttdd|f|�S(s�Return the unique connection name of the primary owner of the
        given name.

        :Raises `DBusException`: if the `bus_name` has no owner
        :Since: 0.81.0
cCst|||�S(sWatch the unique connection name of the primary owner of the
        given name.

        `callback` will be called with one argument, which is either the
        unique connection name, or the empty string (meaning the name is
        not owned).

        :Since: 0.81.0
cCs%t|jtttdd|f��S(s�Return True iff the given bus name has an owner on this bus.

            `bus_name` : str
                The bus name to look up
        :Returns: a `bool`
        tNameHasOwnerR6(tboolRoRRR(R:R0((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pytname_has_ownerwscCs#|jtttdd|f�dS(sArrange for this application to receive messages on the bus that
        match the given rule. This version will block.

            `rule` : str
                The match rule
        :Raises `DBusException`: on error.
        :Since: 0.80.0
c	Cs)|jtttdd|fdd�dS(s=Arrange for this application to receive messages on the bus that
        match the given rule. This version will not block, but any errors
        will be ignored.

            `rule` : str
                The match rule
        :Raises `DBusException`: on error.
        :Since: 0.80.0
        R�R6N(R9RRRR.(R:R�((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pytadd_match_string_non_blocking�scCs#|jtttdd|f�dS(sArrange for this application to receive messages on the bus that
        match the given rule. This version will block.

            `rule` : str
                The match rule
        :Raises `DBusException`: on error.
        :Since: 0.80.0
c	Cs)|jtttdd|fdd�dS(s=Arrange for this application to receive messages on the bus that
        match the given rule. This version will not block, but any errors
        will be ignored.

            `rule` : str
                The match rule
        :Raises `DBusException`: on error.
        :Since: 0.80.0
        R�R6N(R9RRRR.(R:R�((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyR`�sN("R@RAt__doc__RtTYPE_SESSIONRtTYPE_SYSTEMRtTYPE_STARTERR	tSTART_REPLY_SUCCESSRtSTART_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNINGR.RLR7RaRdR8RvRmRpRcRxRzR|R~RbRXR�RYR�R�R`(((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyRes6		8			
__docformat__R)REt_dbus_bindingsRRRRRRRR	R
dbus.lowlevelRtdbus._compatRt_NAME_OWNER_CHANGE_MATCHR(t	getLoggerR+tobjectRR(((s./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.pyt<module>s�


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0