Direktori : /proc/self/root/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/configSectionNameDialog.pyc |
� `цdc @ s} d Z d d l Td d l Z d e f d � � YZ e d k ry e � Z d � Z e e d d d e �j � e j � n d S( s~ Dialog that allows user to specify a new config file section name. Used to get new highlight theme and keybinding set names. i����( t *Nt GetCfgSectionNameDialogc B s; e Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d d � Z d d � Z RS( c C s> t j | | � | j d d � | j d t d t � | j | � | j | � | j � | j d | j � | | _ | | _ | | _ d | _ | j � | j � | j � | j j d | j j � � | j d | j � | j � d | j � d | j � | j � d | j � d f � | j � | j � d S( s� message - string, informational message to display usedNames - list, list of names already in use for validity check t borderwidthi t heightt widtht WM_DELETE_WINDOWt s +%d+%di N( t Toplevelt __init__t configuret resizablet FALSEt titlet transientt grab_sett protocolt Cancelt parentt messaget usedNamest resultt CreateWidgetst withdrawt update_idletaskst messageInfot configt frameMaint winfo_reqwidtht geometryt winfo_rootxt winfo_widtht winfo_rootyt winfo_heightt winfo_reqheightt deiconifyt wait_window( t selfR R R R ( ( s7 /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/configSectionNameDialog.pyR s, c C s� t | � | _ t | � | _ t | d d d t �| _ | j j d t d t d t � t | j d t d t d d d d d | j �| _ t | j d | j d d �} | j � | j j d d d d � | j d d d d � t | � } | j d t d t � t | d d d d d | j �| _ | j j d d d d d d d d � t | d d d d d | j �| _ | j j d d d d d d d d � d S( NR i t relieft sidet expandt fillt anchort justifyt padxi t padyt textt textvariableR i t Oki t commandt rowi t columnR i ( t StringVart namet fontSizet Framet SUNKENR t packt TOPt TRUEt BOTHt Messaget Wt LEFTR R t Entryt focus_sett BOTTOMt Xt ButtonR/ t buttonOkt gridR t buttonCancel( R$ t entryNamet frameButtons( ( s7 /usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/configSectionNameDialog.pyR &